ignation Des L41 L42 L43 L414 ignation Des L93 Unite plasterboard screw Plasterboard to timber joist Screws with sharp point for fastening plasterboard to timber. ensions Dim 3,9 x 30 3,9 x 41 3,9 x 55 ace ent tm Surf trea /socket Bit tity/pack Quan scription De Zinc Ph2 1000 Zinc Ph2 500 Zinc Ph2 500 3,9 x 30 C4 Ph2 1000 Unite outdoor board screw Outdoor boards to steel joists, stainless steel Stainless steel screw for fastening outdoor boards to steel joists. Pilot drill point and head without countersinking prevent damage to the board material. Also drills in stainless steel joists. ensions Dim Dril capacity cl osionection rial Min Max Corr prot Mate 4,2 x 28 0,5 2 x 1,5 C5 /socket Bit Ph2 tity/pack Quan 500 60 Marutex presentation pages 7-11 C F Paint systems pages 98-99
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